Gallery History
Defend Mr. Teuku Bagus MN
Former operations director of PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. In case Hambalang, by KPK
With Prof. Yusril Ihza Mahendra
and Advocate Mohamad Asegaf. Meeting to discuss coping strategies Sisminbakum case, with Prof. Yusril as suspect
Explained to reporters
after someone (Bupati) reported to KPK. Bupati a regent alleged corruption in the social assitance budget
With Mr. Jamaludin Karim,
Prof. Syaiful Bakhri, DR. Arrisman & DR. Zainal Arifin
The provision
of information to journalists Pelalawan district Election Dispute.
Bupati Karawang
corruption trial in Bandung. Victim of a plot by low enforcement businessman who wants to get cid of political power in the region.
With Mr. Teuku Bagus MN
Defend Mr. Budi Rachmat Kurniawan
Business development director of PT. Hutama Karya (Persero) in KPK
Explained to Reportersof corruption case Hambalang. No loss of total project Hambalang. Contractor mafia project victims
As Counselor at law,
Defend Prof. Yusril Ihza Mahendra in the case of Sisminbakum. Prof. Yusril victims of political power
Discussion with Prof. Yusril
Coruption case Sisminbakum. Meeting to discuss coping strategies Sisminbakum case, with Prof. Yusril as Suspect
Explained to reporters
before someone (Bupati) reported to KPK
Akil Muchtar
case Constitutional Court chairman.
DPR member
commision IV defended in corruption trial. Coruption case projects Alih Fungsi Hutan Lindung tanjung Api-api & system komunikasi Terpadu Ministry of foresty
DPR member
commission IV defended in corruption trial.
With Mr. Budi Rachmat Kurniawan
after successfuly building KPK. PT. Hutama Karya (Persero) become victims of the lack of wisdom of law enforcement corruption.
Article land sales
money laundering case Fatmawati Foundation. Land glabbing mafia land conducted throught the criminalization of money laundring
Explained to reporters
after someone (Bupati) reported to KPK
With Mr. Jamaludin Karim
members of Parliament Indonesia
Explained to reporters
Akil Muchtar case Constitutional Court chairman. Many systems are weak in Constitutional Court proceedings so that it can make a lot a happen potential purchase decision.
Hambalang case
with Director Operational PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk.
With Mr. Teuku Bagus MN
Director Operational PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk.
Money laundring
as rubber that can be readily addressed to someone who does not like the ruling.
Article in Keuangan Negara Magazine
many occur crime to state officials with the model of corruption
Robert Tantular
Money laundering & banking froud case, owner of Bank Century, with Prof. Syaiful Bahkri
Defend members
of Parliaement (Zulkarnaen Djabar) in the case of corruption in the procurment of Al-Quran
The Provision
of information to journalists Pelalawan district election dispute
Explained to reporters
of corruption case Hambalang. Corruption in government projects are the result of the proliferation of mafia projects hostage contractor.
Hambalang case
detention Of Mr. Teuku Bagus MN. PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. Hostage by. the mafia project in the case Hambalang.
Media Indonesia Article corruption. Now many corruption are with new models and new trands peddle copies outhority
Bupati Karawang
corruption trial in Bandung
Keuangan Negara Magazine